What is your soul tribe?
Your soul tribe are people who you meet throughout your lifetime that you feel you instantly know or have a deep-rooted connection with. Your soul tribe are positive friends or family, who never shame you, belittle you or betray you. They are your biggest champions and will become your closest confidantes in your life.
As a species, humans are programmed to seek out meaningful human connections, intimacy, love, and acceptance. Our evolution as herd members means that both our body and mind are deeply affected by our interactions with those closest to us – our family, friends, and those we work with. So, interestingly, who we chose to surround ourselves with can have a profound impact on our emotions, and long-lasting effects on our mental, physical, and spiritual health.
Research decisively shows that when people have healthy, positive relationships with their friends, family, and work colleagues they are happier, healthier, have fewer illnesses and live longer lives. The Roseto Effect involved a fifty-year study of connections within a small community. It highlighted that our interactions with those around us play just as important a role in our health as diet, exercise, and sleep. Being valued and included in a community where elders were respected and everyone was encouraged in a nurturing, caring environment fostered higher levels of satisfaction and happiness in life. The townspeople also had lower rates of disease, illness, and depression, and their health and lifespan was higher than other neighbouring towns who did not foster this approach.
Further research also indicates that without a nurturing, caring support system we are more susceptible to anxiety, depression, sleep issues, weight fluctuations, addictions and the biggest culprit of our modern society, the mental health implications associated with loneliness.
Loneliness and a lack of social support has been proven to negatively impact your life, comparable to drinking six alcoholic drinks per day and smoking fifteen cigarettes per day.
Tribe analysis mini exercise:
We can’t choose our family but to a larger extent, we can choose our friends, our soul tribe. You are effectively who you surround yourself with. Studies have clarified that the five people you surround yourself with, will subconsciously have an impact on your thoughts, emotions, behaviour, and mental health.
If you surround yourself with negative people, you will subconsciously begin to view the world negativity. If you surround yourself with people who shame you or say rude or demeaning things to you without standing up for yourself positively, you are ignoring your power. If you don’t respect yourself, other people will also not respect you. The Universe also receives the message that you are okay with being treated badly and like all vibrations, like attracts like, you will attract more negative, upsetting friendships. So own your power and send a message to the Universe that you deserve to be treated with respect.
So, try this mini exercise to assess the impact the five friends closest to you, are having on you long-term:
- Do your friends listen to you, encourage you and support you in a positive manner?
- Do you feel like you have a voice or equal standing in your friendship?
- Why are you friends with this person? Try to think of three positive reasons.
- Do you come away from spending time with your friends feeling happy and good about yourself?
- Do you see the friendship lasting and you both being friends in five years’ time?
If you have said no to any of the above, take a moment and think is this person, having a positive or negative impact on me?
If you find yourself drained, feeling upset or wondering what you get out of the friendship, it might be time to move on and find like-minded people, who are your positive, supportive, caring, real soul tribe.
We’ve all been there, when we realise, we are in a vicious cycle of negativity with a friend. Life altering events in my early thirties made me stop and reassess some of my friendships that were negatively impacting my life. Its hard when you must make readjustments in certain friendships but by saying to the Universe ‘no’, I deserve to be treated with respect, you are opening the door to your soul tribe coming in allowing you to foster more meaningful, real friendships.
How do I attract my soul tribe?
- Understand and know yourself
Before you can truly meet your soul tribe, get to know the real you. Most of us only reveal ourselves to very few people. Appreciate your quirks or weirdness. Never let other people make you feel bad about being a history buff, a dreamer or a comic book fan. Embrace the fact that there is no one else like you in the world. You are special! Love yourself and accept the good and the bad. If you hate the way you are sensitive, flip the distorted thought – without being sensitive you wouldn’t be so in tune and emphatic with other people.
As your vibration about yourself becomes more positive, your frequency will also get higher, and you will attract more positive, like-minded people. Your soul tribe won’t expect you to wear the latest fashions, they won’t care if you have money or not. They will also not be concerned with how many followers you have on your social media. Your soul tribe will be the people who will accept you for simply being you. Enjoy being you and watch as your soul tribe members begin to appear.
- Be open to meeting new like-minded people, both face to face and online.
Try new things! Join classes, clubs or events in your local community or join things that interest you online. Places like discord can be great for meeting like-minded people, who are big Pokémon fans or love watching old, silent films, just to name a few!
Do things you enjoy and that beings you pleasure. The more you enjoy life, the higher your vibration and the easier you will attract your soul tribe.
- Cultivate and work on any new friendships or relationships that excite and interest you.
All relationships take work. If you want a real, deep meaningful friendship or relationship, work on it, invest in it and enjoy it.
Sometimes we get distracted by our everyday life. If you have found like-minded souls at a yoga class, don’t stop going after one session, just because you’re tired after work. Make the effort, I guarantee, it will be worth it!
- Align yourself with the Universe and everything will fall into place.
The more you align yourself with the Universe, the smoother your life will begin to flow. The right people, our soul tribe will be magnetised into our lives as our vibration gets higher. Our interactions will be more positive, happy, healthy, and peaceful.
Please see our article on how to realign with the Universe for further tips: https://www.simplesoul.blog/simple-soul/how-to-realign-yourself-with-the-universe/
Our soul tribe are the people who will positively make the biggest impact on our lives. They will join us on our journey in life at different times. Some will stay and some will teach us a lesson and then leave. Our soul tribe will always be our most positive champions and campaigners. If I leave you with anything at the end of this article, its to value yourself, step into your power, and realise that you don’t have to be enslaved in unsatisfying, negative friendship cycles, respect yourself and look for like-minded individuals who will celebrate how amazing you truly are!