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The Spiritual Journey is the Unlearning of Fear and the Acceptance of Love.

Marianne Williamson

Meeting and connecting with your Spirit Guides is a life changing experience. Our Spirit Guides are with us from the moment we agree to our soul contracts and we are reborn into our 3D world. They are eternally positive and are always there to guide, protect and assist us as we follow our chosen path.

What is a Spirit Guide?

Each of us has our own unique Spirit Guide. Each Spirit Guide will positively send us messages and signs to keep us aligned at our highest vibration, ensuring we are on the right path for our soul purpose, and encourage us to become our best self by helping us to achieve all our dreams.

There are many different types of Spirit Guides. Our main Spirit Guide is with us throughout our lifetime, carefully navigating our path and protecting us. We also have other Spirit Guides, who may only come into our life, for a short time, to help us for one significant experience or event or to teach us a life lesson, that will help us evolve into our higher self.

The Universe or Divine Creator

The Divine Creator or Universe (or the name your religion has allocated for them) is always with us to offer a guiding hand. The Universe or Divine Creator works with us before we are even born to arrange our soul contract and to help us choose what life lessons we want to learn in this lifetime.

The Universe or Divine Creator is always ready to give a helping hand. We are all born with free will. If you want support from the Universe, you just have to ask for their help and give them permission to intervene in your life.

Archangels or Angels or Guardian Angels

We are guided since birth by our Archangels, Angels and Guardian Angels. They support us throughout every stage of our journey in the 3D world.

Our angels are ready to help us in all of endeavours. If you are an empath or particularly sensitive to energy, you may feel an energy shift, when they are present.

We can ask our Angels for help at any time. Once again we have to give consent for them to intervene and help us with any decisions or difficulties in our life.

Our loved ones who have passed on

Our loved ones are always with us, even if they have passed on. They often come to help us in our lowest moments and help us to make key choices in our life, that will benefit us long-term and help us find our soul purpose.

They can be people we have known in life, our family or friends, or they may be humans who have lived before, who want to help guide us towards achieving our dreams or finding our way, when we feel lost or a lack of purpose.

Spirit Guides

Our Spirit Guides can be anyone who want to help guide and support us. Sometimes, it can be people throughout history, who have enjoyed or pursued a similar passion in life, for example, if you are an artist, an artist may come to help you.

Our Spirit Guides always work behind the scenes to help and support us. Through meditation we can also choose what Spirit Guides we want to work with.

Animal Spirit Guides

Animal Spirit Guides are usually animals we have loved or bonded with in our lifetime or pervious lifetimes, for example a fur baby or beloved pet.

Spirit animals can also appear, when we need to learn a lesson or become aware of something important, for example, a red robin, means clarity and positivity is coming into our life, especially if we have been struggling with a decision or having a difficult time.

Animal Spirit Guides can show up in a multitude of forms, in real life, through art or dreams or meditations. We can also ask the Universe to show us an Animal Spirit Guide, if we want to know the answer to a certain decision or if we are on the right path, for example, a lion always shows me I am on the right path, whereas a dragonfly always shows me when something unexpectedly wonderful is going to happen.

Your Higher Self

Our Higher Self or our intuition, also acts as a Spirit Guide of sorts. Our intuition always guides us in the right direction. We can also strengthen this link with our intuition by meditating or working on enhancing our intuition naturally through intuition exercises. Our Higher Self is simply the Spirit Guide version of us who already knows what path we will choose in life. We are all pure energy so our intuition and/or Higher Self is really just our fully evolved selves.

How do I connect with my Spirit Guide?

Connecting with your Spirit Guides takes daily practice to maintain the connection but it is well worth the effort. There are a multitude of ways we can connect with our Spirit Guide and ask them to work with us to achieve all our dreams and become our best selves.

Using your intuition

It sounds simple but by tuning into your intuition you can become more aware of your spirit guides presence and ask them questions.

Find somewhere quiet and relaxing, so you won’t be disturbed. Sit or lie down and close your eyes. Visualise a white, golden light opening at your third eye. As it unfolds let go of any thoughts, emotions or concerns and simple focus on the white, golden light unfolding like a rose. You should feel your third eye tingling. When you are ready ask your spirit guide for their name (if it is the first time you are doing this exercise). You will receive a name back in your thoughts. Now begin asking your spirit guide questions. Depending on your link to your intuition and your spirit guide, you may feel a presence, a smell or see a representation of your spirit guide as you carry out this exercise.

*Always remember the Universe, your Angels and Spirit Guides only ever work positively. If you feel scared or unsure, this is your ego talking and you need to let the fear or anxiety go.


Daily meditations will automatically strengthen your connection with the Universe and your Spirit Guides. This method can take time and you will need to practice daily until your Spirit Guide is ready to meet you.

Again, find somewhere quiet and relaxing, so you won’t be disturbed. Sit or lie down and close your eyes. Start to take deep breaths from your core., in and out, until you feel sufficiently relaxed. Again, visualise a healing white, golden light, moving into your body, with every breath you take and covering your whole being with this healing light. Let any thoughts or emotions go and only focus on the breath. Visualise yourself walking down a path towards a tunnel. Before you walk through the tunnel to get the garden say, “I am ready to let any preconceived thoughts or ideas go and I am ready to meet my Spirit Guide, in whatever form they want to appear to me I have no expectations but I know it will be a wonderful experience.”

Once you get to the tunnel, walk through to a beautiful garden. Visualise every minute detail as you walk.

Next, simply ask your spirit guide for their name (if it is the first time you are doing this meditation). You will receive a name back in your mind as you meditate. Now begin asking your spirit guide questions. Depending on how often you practice and how attuned you are with your spirit guide, you may feel a presence, a smell or see a representation of your spirit guide as you complete this meditation.

Spirit Guide Journal

A Spirit Guide Journal can help you tune in with your Spirit Guide through free writing. Free writing allows you to clear your mind and see what thoughts and guidance come up for you as you write.

First, choose a notebook for communication with your Spirit Guide or Higher Self. Then just start writing. You can ask your Spirit Guide questions as you write. This form of writing is also extremely therapeutic and can help you clear any negative or stagnant energy you are feeling, if you are feeling anxious, overwhelmed, angry or stressed.

Using a Pendulum

Using a pendulum can help you to communicate with your Spirit Guides and it can give you clarification when you are considering decisions or specific matters.

Hold the chain of the pendulum, keeping your hand and body still. Stay still throughout the session not moving your body.

Thank the Universe for showing you which direction is yes and which direction is no.

Remember to not move your hand throughout the session. Next, thank the Universe and ask a question only you would know, for example, “Is my name _______?”

Then, ask the Universe to give a clear yes or no if this is the Universe, your Spirit Guides, your Higher Self or intuition. Thank the Universe when it swings to show yes.

Again thank the Universe when you get your response. Finally, make sure you are asking only yes and no questions. You can ask about past lives, any decisions you need to make, and the future.

How does my Spirit Guide communicate with me?

Our Spirit Guides communicate with us through a variety of ways. They are constantly sending us messages and signs, so by increasing your awareness, you can easily learn to spot these messages.


Spiritual synchronicities are often sent to us by our Spirit Guides as key messages, we need to pick up on and understand. Synchronicities can help to provide guidance or send reassurance that you are on the right path. Synchronicities can be something as small as hearing the same name over and over again on TV and later finding out the name is the name of your future child or spouse. or seeing the same sign or animal throughout the day in unusual places.

Raise your awareness by looking out for any recurring signs or messages around you.

Number patterns

Repeating numbers such as 1111, 2222 or 888 are all messages sent by your Spirit Guides. Numbers have very specific meanings in the Universe. When you keep seeing the same number pattern, it is no coincidence. Take some time to research what the number actually means and why it is being sent to you, for example, 1111 is a sign of new beginnings and/or spiritual awakenings. It is an incredibly positive sign that you are on the right path and to align you thoughts with the positive outcome.

Play a game with your Spirit Guides and the Universe and ask them to start sending you number patterns. Then research what each number means and what they are trying to communicate to you.

Sending messages through music, conversations or tv shows

Sometimes, guidance or messages from the Universe or your Spirit Guides, can come in the most common places. Sometimes you will be wondering about whether or not you should stay at your job and you will pass a billboard, telling you to quit your job now and challenge yourself with something new, or sometimes a song lyric will answer a question or decision you were feeling confused about.

Raise your awareness by just listening to the world around you. The more you practice, the better you will be able to receive the messages the Universe and your Spirit Guides, are constantly sending you.


Your Spirit Guides will often appear in your dreams, as and when you need them. They will send you messages via your dreams and help guide you through difficult situations. Dreams are our subconscious, processing and working through the events of our day.

Sometimes your Spirit Guide will work with you to heal old trauma and pain through your dreams, which is often why you dream about someone, who you haven’t seen or thought about in years.

Raise you awareness by keeping a dream journal and researching what has happened in your dream. More often than not, when your Spirit Guides enter your dreams, it will feel more like a vision than a dream. It will feel so real, you will feel as if you are awake, so just before you go to sleep, ask your Spirit Guide to come to you in your dreams and give you guidance. Then have fun interacting with them.

Through animals and children

Both animals and children pure vibrations of energy. Your Spirit Guides will often send messages via animals or children, by either placing an unusual animal in your path, children or animals bringing you meaningful objects, such as feathers or pennies, or children talking about something you’ve been wondering about unexpectedly.

Spend time around both children and animals to raise your vibration. This will also increase your connection to your Spirit Guides and allow them to communicate with you much more freely.

Through objects

Your Spirit Guides are constantly placing things in your path to ensure you are headed in the right direction. They will place feathers, pennies, flowers or knock over objects or guide you to objects unique to you, for example, I always know my Grandad is with me, when I find a penny. Sometimes something as simple as a book falling off your shelf, is a sign from your Spirit Guide.

Play a game with your Spirit Guides and ask them to show you any messages they are trying to send you. Then research what the object means. Its fun, I promise. Sometimes what you find out will give you that little boost you needed or inspire you to keep going when all you wanted to do was give up.

We are all lucky enough to have a continuous support network made up of our Spirit Guides. By being open and ready to receive your Spirit Guide’s help, you can create and nurture a strong relationship with each of your individual Spirit Guides. They in turn will positively help you navigate life’s amazing journey, achieve all your dreams and become your evolved higher self.

Good luck and have fun meeting your Spirit Guides and watch the magic unfold.

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