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New Year’s Eve is a perfect time to set new intentions and goals for the year ahead…isn’t it?

If anyone else is like me, they will have discovered that setting New Year’s Eve resolutions is futile, they always fail! Call it what you will, lack of willpower, lack of determination or just growing bored of following the resolutions, sometime in early to mid-January, New Year’s resolution set us up to fail and feel a combination of guilt and shame, even before the new year begins.

So if you’re already have guilt pangs, like me, about not being healthy enough, exercising enough or simply not going for your dreams, read on to see our alternative New Year’s Eve Bucket List, which will, thankfully, be achievable and make you feel positive, happy and healthy.

References Photograph by Alex Guillaume at Unsplash
Be happy with where you are on your life path right now!

Even if you aren’t exactly where you envisioned you thought you would be in your love life, your career, your family and/or in any area of your life as New Year’s Eve 2021 draws to a close, dispel any negative feelings of loss or lack and simply appreciate where you are right now.

Resolution: Focus each day on something you have achieved to get to where you are now and how happy you are with the things that are going right in your life.

Think about all the areas you feel are going well or right in your life.

Reflect and look back, at the last few years and see how far you’ve come. Sometimes we forget how much we have achieved and/or gone through or changed over the years. Just simply take a moment each day and feel happy about where you are right now on your life.

By being happy about where you are right now, you are communicating to the Universe to send even more happiness into your life.

Be grateful for all the positives in your life

Practicing gratitude will reprogram your mind to always look for the silver lining and encourages you to be a much more positive and contented person.

Gratitude will also help you to align with the Universe and usher in anything you want to attain or manifest. Your thoughts are incredibly powerful so if you are in the mode of thanking the Universe for all the good in your life, the Universe will send you more of those good things.

Resolution: Thank the Universe for everything amazing in your life, as you go about your day, from a small cup of coffee to getting that job promotion, getting married or finding out you’re pregnant, it all matters and builds up to more abundance flowing into your life.

Think about all the things that you can be grateful for each day. You can choose to either do this at the end of the day, before you go to sleep or I usually say a quick thanks to the Universe as things happen throughout the day.

You can also pre-empt anything you want to go well. If you have an important meeting or appointment, thank the Universe for it going well beforehand and watch as everything aligns nicely in your life.

Be kind and positive in everything you do

It sounds so simple but being kind and paying it forward to others really does encourage the Universe to send you back the same vibrations. Also by always trying to think, speak and interact with others positively, you will also send a sign to the Universe to send you more and more positivity back.

Remember what you think say and do is mirrored back to you by the Universe.

Resolution: Think about your thoughts, your interactions with others and how you speak to and speak about others. Start to always think positively and you will notice a huge difference in your communication with others.

Consciously take the step to positively change your thoughts, if you find yourself falling into negative thinking patterns. Remember the first thought might be automatic negative thinking but you can choose to change the next thought, when you realise, you are thinking these negative thoughts.

Practice positive limitless thinking

We are the creators of our own lives. We are limitless. Start thinking about what you can achieve rather than what you can’t. Limitless positive thinking allows us also to reframe limiting or distorted beliefs, we may have about ourselves, for example, “I can’t get my dream job because I don’t have _______.” Try thinking instead “I can get my dream job now because I am learning and upscaling my skills each and every day.”

Resolution: Think about how you can achieve anything you put your mind to and how easily everything comes to you and how your life gets better and better each day.

Reflect on everything you have achieved in the past, you are proud of and remind yourself how nervous, unsure and uncertain you were before you achieved them. Now when you look back it probably seems so much easier and you will be amazed how smoothly it all worked out. Remember, you can create your dream reality!

Be specific about any goals you want to achieve and begin to positively work towards them

Write a short bucket list that inspires you and speaks to your soul. Think about what you truly want. Think about what you want to achieve in life? Most importantly, what will make you happy and feel fulfilled? What will give meaning to your life?

Write your goals in specific detail and only choose the most important one or two to you. Trying to achieve too many goals will spread you too thin, exhaust you and make you feel disheartened long-term.

Resolution: Think about what goals you would like to achieve or work towards in the next year. What goal would bring meaning and happiness to your life? Take active steps to achieve these goals each day, for example, if you want to write a book, take time each day to write.

By actively setting out steps towards your specific goal or goals, you are signalling to the Universe, you already know its going to happen. Also when you choose goals that are meaningful to you, you bring in more meaningful experiences and opportunities into your life.

Writing your goals as specifically as possible will also send a clear message to the Universe about what you actually want, for example, if you want a puppy, describe what the puppy looks like, how he or she behaves and even what you will call him or her. Think about how having the puppy will enhance your life and clearly tell the Universe how he or she will not only make your life better but it will also make your loved ones lives better. Give clear reasons why.

We hope these resolutions are much easier to achieve this year. Try our simple New Year’s Resolutions and enjoy a smoother, more enjoyable and positive 2022.

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